
Organization redesign

Organization redesign

The complexity of our industries (Aerospace – Defense – Security, Transportation – Logisitics – Mobility and Energy – Environment) can often reflect into an ever-increasing organizational complexity. How can you reshape your organization to deliver maximum performance while staying agile and cost-effective? How can you transform your processes to support your operations and not hinder them? How can you drive the change to get everyone onboard?

Archery has worked with many customers to transform and improve their organizations, including in Large Programs and in Engineering departments : we strive to tailor our approach to your needs, while bringing you our experience and our best practices to co-construct with you your organization for the future.


Public Transportation operator

Archery helped a Public transportation operator in structuring and launching a major transformation plan focused on best practices harmonization and differentiation worldwide in a very decentralized and heterogeneous environment. Archery structured the operator vision around a 6-axis approach, each axis representing a key improvement lever designed to be implemented locally in a nimble way. This work has been built hand-in-hand with the client’s key stakeholders and then shared during a global seminar and roadshow.

Airport operator

Archery assisted an airport infrastructures operator to redesign its value proposition for concessions and to implement a set of practices and ways of working in order to secure the proper implementation of the new value proposition. The goal was to maximize the renewal rate for the major contracts.

Nuclear Energy player

Archery assisted a nuclear energy player to define and implement a transformation plan, in a context of intensifying competition. The transformation plan was made up of 3 workstreams :

  • Definition of the ambition and the business goals on the targeted markets
  • Evolution of the company’s organization and key processes, to improve competitiveness and customer satisfaction
  • Evolution of the managerial behaviors

Incentive model

Our client aimed to increase his company performance by setting clear targets to his manager and implementing an incentive model. Our achievements include: Development of

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Stéphane Albernhe


Bertrand Mouly-Aigrot

Partner and Managing Director France

Guillaume Hue
Julien Lamarque-Lacoste
Grégoire de Belenet


Arthur Séjor


Growth strategies

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